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Authentic Love and Unity

"Authentic love is a reflection of true unity."

- Lauren Yvonne White

Make time to strengthen your ties to others, for the tapestry of hope is found in the quiet corners of the world. Empowerment begins at home, around the dinner table, and at family gatherings. Compassion spreads between people and with good intentions, can grow to bless whole communities.

At the core of progress is the desire to listen, learn, and improve. When we lead with clarity, we are better able to reach our positive goals. Alone we can begin telling a story, but with the help of others, we can continue the story. For every "I," there is a potential "We." For every "Me," there is a potential "Us." For every "My," there is a potential "Our." The quality of our connectivity is determined by our desire to inspire good deeds. Togetherness is relevant.

Love is our resilience. Love is the foundation for betterment. If we think that we are stronger alone than we are when we lock arms, then we are overlooking the unique grace that comes from the energy found in the best of humanity.


The lighthouse on a hill

With beautiful white-gray stone

Lets ships know, one by one

That they are not alone.

Hope is the light from above

That dances on moon glazed waters

The lessons from our lives are shared

With our sons and daughters.

This generation is writing the story

With a courageous pen in hand

Our unity and love for our future

Will bless our beloved land.

(c) Lauren Yvonne White

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